Ecology and Conservation of the South Puget Sound Prairie Landscape. 1997. P. Dunn and K. Ewing. The Nature Conservancy.
Below are links to each chapter of the book:
Weeds of South Puget Sound Prairies
Changes in South Puget Sound Landscape
Land Use and Ft Lewis
Prairie Food and Medicine
Ecology of Western Grey Squirrel
Using DNA and Rocks
Status of Neotropical Birds
Butterflies of S. Puget Sound
Rare Vascular Plants
Aster Curtus
Castilleja levisecta
Native Veg. of South Puget Sound Prairies
Fire Effects on Prairie Vegetation
Pocket Gopher Influence
Exotic Beetles and Native Ants
Plant Community Diversity
Germination Requirements
Rocky Prairie Restoration
Survival and Growth of Festuca
Vegetative Response to Fall Burning
Poderosa Pine Restoration
Restoration of White Oak Habitat
Ft Lewis ITAM Management