Thurston County Parks and Recreation/The Nature Conservancy
Please join us at the Thurston County ’s Glacial Heritage Preserve as we work to restore this wonderful South Puget Sound Prairie. Efforts at this site have reclaimed the site from a Scotch broom forest. There is still a lot of work to be done and we really appreciate the help of volunteers.
Workdays include planting native species, pulling Scot's broom, cleaning bird boxes, seed collection, fence mending, and many other activities. During cold weather we take our lunch in front of a warm fire in the caretaker’s house. Warm days we stay out to enjoy the prairie.
After the workday we sometimes have planned social activities. So far activities have included Pumpkin carving, pot lucks, making Easter baskets for kids in a shelter, playing table games, old science fiction movie night, planning for Prairie Appreciation Day, canoeing on the Black River, and stargazing. Join up and share your ideas!
To get to the preserve, take I-5 to Exit 95 (Littlerock/Maytown), go west, proceed straight through Littlerock to a “T” about ½ mile past town, turn left at the T and go about 1.5 mi. to the Weyerhaeuser Tree Farm area and yellow tractor crossing sign, turn left on the gravel road shortly after this sign and follow it to the gate.
Workdays are on the second Sat. of the month,
10:00 – 3:00. Call (206) 343-4345 or E-mail for more information.